Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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DIRARC v1.00 Shareware release documentation. February 1994
I wrote DIRARC out of necessity. I have alot of directories which contain
files that I seldom use, but I need to keep these directories on my hard
disk nonetheless. So even though I seldom use them, I still need them to
be present when I do require them. Thus it occurred to me that it would be
nice if I could archive these directories and save some space on my hard
disk. (We all know how valuable hard disk space is in these days of space
eating applications!)
Anyhow, after writing some fairly intensive batch files to handle this
process, I decided it would be easier to create a program to take care of
this chore, and with that DIRARC v1.00 was created.
DIRARC will do the following:
(1) It will use either PKZIP/PKUNZIP, LHA, or the ARJ compression
utilities to archive your directory(s) into one file.
(2) It is capable of creating archives that are executable and/or which
contain sub-directories.
(3) After DIRARC creates the archive, it allows you the option to delete
the files it has archived. Thus you would be left with only one file,
the archive, which is named after the first eight letters of the
directory name, or "ROOT" in the case of the DOS root directory.
(4) Whenever you need the directory to be decompressed, you can either
run DIRARC with the decompress option, or "manually" decompress them
with the desired archiving program should you choose.
DIRARC is as easy to install as it is to use. Just run the INSTALL.EXE
program and it will copy the file DIRARC.EXE to the install directory,
either \DIRARC of the current drive, or the drive and directory that you
select when prompted by the INSTALL program. DIRARC.EXE is actually a
self-extracting archive that will explode the installation files after
being copied to the desired drive. After installation be sure to read ALL
of the accompanying documentation.
Once you have installed DIRARC, you should add the DIRARC directory to
your DOS PATH statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, or SET the PATH
statement to point to this directory manually. To add DIRARC to your
DOS PATH via your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, then load AUTOEXEC.BAT in your
editor and edit as so:
PATH=C:\DOS; <- Example PATH statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT
PATH=C:\DOS;C:\DIRARC; <- DIRARC added to PATH statement
Furthermore, DIRARC will not operate unless it can locate PKZIP/PKUNZIP,
LHA, or ARJ in your DOS PATH. So your PATH should also point to the
directory containing one, or more of these utilities.
NOTE: During installation you may choose the drive and directory which to
install to, it is suggested that you install DIRARC to the same directory
where one or all of these archivers are kept. ex: \UTILITY, and then make
sure that that directory is in your DOS PATH statement.
Lastly, if you are unsure of how to change your DOS PATH statement, then
refer to your DOS documentation for further information regarding this
===========================DIRARC COMMAND USAGE================================
The DIRARC command line is outlined as so:
Usage : DIRARC [/C,/D] [Archive Type] [/S] [/E] [/Q] [/P#]
/C = CREATE Archive /Z = PKZip
/D = DECOMPRESS Archive /A = ARJ
/L = LHArc
/S = Include Sub-Directories
/E = Create Self-Extracting Archive
/Q = Quiet Mode (Don't Display Progress)
/P0 = No Prompt (Delete Files)
/P1 = No Prompt (Don't Delete Files)
Example : DIRARC /C /Z /S /E /Q /P0
Result : Creates .ZIPed executable archive w/ sub-directories included,
and deletes files after added to archive without prompting.
DIRARC handles its command line pretty dynamically, meaning that you
could enter something like:
DIRARC /C /Z /E /P0 /Q /S
and achieve the same results as the example above. The first two
arguments, however, are important and required at the minimum, in the
order shown. i.e:
DIRARC /C /Z - Create archive using PKZIP
DIRARC /C /L - Create archive using LHA
DIRARC /C /A - Create archive using ARJ
DIRARC /D /Z - Decompress archive using PKUNZIP
DIRARC /D /L - Decompress archive using LHA
DIRARC /D /A - Decompress archive using ARJ
NOTE: the first argument *must* be either /C or /D to either CREATE and
compress or to DECOMPRESS an archive. Furthermore, the second
argument *must* be the archiver type. (/Z for PKZIP/PKUNZIP, /L
for LHA, or /A for ARJ).
Additionally, you must have PKZIP/PKUNZIP, LHA, or ARJ in your DOS PATH
statement to use DIRARC. DIRARC will automatically check for the presence
of one of these archivers in your path and if it can't locate them then
it will end its run.
The other command line arguments may be mixed and matched, that is they
can be entered in any order you wish. They are defined as such:
/S = Include Sub-Directories - This option will archive all of the files
in the current directory, name that archive after the current
directory, and also include the sub-directories and files within
those as well, in the archive.
/E = Create Self-Extracting Archive - This option creates a self-extracting
archive which allows you to run the archive and it will extract the
files without the need of DIRARC *or* the archiving utility that you
used to create the archive. NOTE: It is suggested that you use DIRARC
or the original archiver if you intend to decompress a self-extracting
archive that contains sub-directories. For instance, an archive created
with PKZIP and ZIP2EXE which has sub-directories will not restore the
sub-directories unless you use the command line switch "-d" when
running the file.
/Q = Quiet Mode (Don't Display Progress) - This option allows you to toggle
the output off. So when DIRARC is run and it calls the archiver to
compress the files and create the archive, you do not see the progress
displayed on the screen. This is useful for when you wish to run
DIRARC from a batch file and don't need to see the messages displayed
by DIRARC or the archive utility that has been selected.
/P0 = No Prompt (Delete Files) - Toggling this option on will cause DIRARC
to automatically delete the files that have been archived and not
prompt you to verify that this is done.
/P1 = No Prompt (Don't Delete Files) - Toggling this option will cause
DIRARC to ignore the files that it has archived and not prompt you
to delete them.
NOTE: If you do not use the command line arguments /P0 or /P1 then DIRARC
will prompt you as to whether you want to delete the files that have
been archived. The /P arguments are good for use in batch files that
are run when you are not present at the computer to answer this
A note on decompressing an archive:
After DIRARC has decompressed an archive which it earlier helped to
create, it will erase the original archive file. Thus the program does a
good job of "cleaning up after itself."
==============================BATCH FILE USAGE=================================
The DIRARC installation package includes a set of BATCH files to make the
usage of this program even easier. Instead of remembering command line
arguments you can just run the required batch file and it will take care
of the process for you. Note: None of these batch files suspend the file
deletion prompting, so DIRARC will ask you whether you want to delete the
files that have been archived when these batch files are used. If you want
to suppress this prompting via the /P0 or /P1 switches, then you will need
to edit these batch files accordingly. Below is a brief summary of each of
these batch files:
PKZS BAT: Create a PKZIP archive which includes sub-directories.
LHAS BAT: Create a LHA archive which includes sub-directories.
ARJS BAT: Create a ARJ archive which includes sub-directories.
PKZSE BAT: Create a self-extracting PKZIP archive which contains
LHASE BAT: Create a self-extracting LHA archive which contains
ARJSE BAT: Create a self-extracting ARJ archive which contains
PKZSEQ BAT: Create a self-extracting PKZIP archive which includes
sub-directories and do not report progress to screen.
LHASEQ BAT: Create a self-extracting LHA archive which includes
sub-directories and do not report progress to screen.
ARJSEQ BAT: Create a self-extracting ARJ archive which includes
sub-directories and do not report progress to screen.
UNPKZS BAT: Decompress a PKZIP archive which contains sub-directories.
UNLHAS BAT: Decompress a LHA archive which contains sub-directories.
UNARJS BAT: Decompress a ARJ archive which contains sub-directories.
UNPKZSE BAT: Decompress a self-extracting PKZIP archive which contains
UNLHASE BAT: Decompress a self-extracting LHA archive which contains
UNARJSE BAT: Decompress a self-extracting ARJ archive which contains
UNPKZSEQ BAT: Decompress a self-extracting PKZIP archive which contains
sub-directories and do not report progress to screen.
UNLHASEQ BAT: Decompress a self-extracting LHA archive which contains
sub-directories and do not report progress to screen.
UNARJSEQ BAT: Decompress a self-extracting ARJ archive which contains
sub-directories and do not report progress to screen.
Please feel free to send comments, suggestions, ideas, criticisms, or what
have you to the address listed in REGISTER.DOC. Continued support and
upgrading of this program depends upon feedback from its users so your
input is of great value to us at HandMade Software.
Thank-you for evaluating this product.
See also: README.DOC
============================[COPYRIGHT NOTICES]================================
PKZIP and PKUNZIP are registered trademarks of PKWARE, Inc.
LHA copyrighted (c) by HARUYASU YOSHIZAKI
ARJ copyrighted (c) 1990-93 by Robert K Jung.
Trademarks of other companies mentioned appear for identification
purposes only and are the property of their respective companies or